Our game takes your privacy seriously. This privacy policy ("policy") outlines the types of personal information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it. By using the app, you consent to our data collection, use, and sharing practices outlined in this policy. Information We Collect Usage Information: We may collect information about your use of the app, such as the features you use and the content you access. Device Information: We may collect information about the device you use to access the app, such as operating system, and browser type. Use of Information We use the information we collect to provide and improve our services, as well as to communicate with you. We may use your personal information to create an account, send you updates or alerts, and respond to your inquiries. We may use your usage information to improve the app and provide customized content and recommendations. We may use your device information to ensure compatibility and provide troubleshooting. Sharing of Information We do not share personal information with third parties without your consent, except as required by law or as necessary to provide our services. We may share usage information with third-party analytics providers to help us improve the app. Security We take measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, no method of internet transmission or electronic storage is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information. Changes to this Policy We may update this policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new policy on our app. Your continued use of the app constitutes your acceptance of the new policy. Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or our data practices, please contact us